How's the Weather

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I was checking out the live feed widget over to the side that tells me who's been here, where they are from, etc. Three people found me by googling another topic! LOL

I've had 2 hits from people looking for info on burning feet on pavement and my post about Norm's burned toe on the pavement popped up 3rd on the list! Ha Ha!

Then someone looked up virus bug and my post about a VBS meaning Vacation bible school turning into Virus Bug Spreading popped up as the 1st one on the list!

Ok, so I'm easily amused. :)


C.Thompson said...

You are too funny!! I dig your pink Ipod widget. That's pretty cute.

MamaSnapped said...

I saw one like it on another blog and had to steal the idea. :)