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Monday, April 19, 2010

My $20 Challenge

I bought a bundle of stuff this month, and, yes, I've saved a LOT but ,yes, I've spent a lot. So, after seeing some sales going on at Krogers and Target, I begged Norm to let me spend $20 (or less) on some deals. This is what I got!!

From Krogers... $10.42 (saved $46.63!!!) The veggies boxes, grill mate seasonings, and scotchbrite sponges were FREE!

From Publix... $2.20 got me 2 more boxes of oatmeal. (I rounded up a couple more $1 off coupons. I saved 5.88!!)
From Target... $4.03 (saved $12.10)for the Go-gurt, Vaseline lotions, and the free Midol PM. They didn't have any of the Pure & Nature bar soaps I was looking for... for free... they didn't even carry it. Oh well!


TOTAL SAVED... $64.61

CHALLENGE WON!!! Woooohoooo!!!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Great Shopping Trip!!